Active Projects

Project ATtain-O3

Ramiro Checa-Garcia

Austrian project designed to evaluate the effects of global warming and ozone precursor changes on ozone concentrations over Austria. Project Leader: Harald Rieder.

Project CLIMDO

Ramiro Checa-Garcia

A previous CNRS research project still active CLImate relevant processing of Mineral Dust by volatile Organic compounds: CLIMDO in which I have been working and now I am collaborating.

Previous Projects


Ramiro Checa-Garcia

CRESCENDO has been a large HORIZON2020 project involving several research Institutions in Europe and the United Kingdom. I participated in several workpackages coordinated in UK (Met-Office and University of Leeds) but there were others different workpages covering many aspects where Earth System Modelling is important.


Ramiro Checa-Garcia

It is a research project funded by NERC (of UK) with the central aim of better understand the causes of periods where the rate of global-mean surface temperature is increased or decreased at decadal time-scales compared with long term (multi-decadal) trends. The multi-disciplinary research team are seeking to understand both the slowdown in the rate of warming since the late 1990s and also earlier hiatus and surge events.