Creation of the web-page designed for research groups or projects.
This webpage has been created using Pelican static web generator, and a fork of Buruma theme (for Pelican) that I have extended to be easily applied for a research team webpage. The webstyle is based in Bulma css version 0.9.2
The general idea is that all the content is in Markdown (ascii and easy to read files) and Pelican plus the theme with several new templates will just organize de content to have a research team webpage. For that I have used the categories to define:
- Topics for the first page to have an overview of the research topics that the group/team is analysis.
- News to have table with recent information about the group: papers, vacancies, conferences, ...
- Projects to organize the information about previous and current projects, as well as, collaborations.
- Authors (so team members) to have a list of the team members of the research group.
Beyond that there are other possible categories that can be used for several purposes and extend the funcionality of the webpage.