Sequence analysis
- Universal Protein Resource (UniProt)
Protein sequence database consiting of Swiss-Prot knowledgebase and translated EMBL
- ENA - European Nucleotide Archive formerly known as EMBL
- SRS Sequence Retrieval System @ EBI
EMBL, UniProt, PDB, InterPro, ...
- BLAST @ NCBI Compare your sequence with GenBank and GenPept
- Pairwise sequence alignment (EMBL-EBI) Local or global alignment of DNA or protein sequences
- BLAST 2 sequences Pairwise local alignment
- Multiple sequence alignment (EMBL-EBI)
- Robust Phylogenetic Analysis For The Non-Specialist
- Restriction map calculation
- NEB Cutter generte restriction maps and virtual agarose gels
- Sequence Translation and Backtranslation Tools@ EMBL-EBI
- Graphical Codon Usage Analyser
- Molecular Toolkit - Translation Graphical and text output in several formats
- Reverse Translation
- PredictProtein
Sequence-based prediction of protein motifs, secondary structure, signal sequences, low-complexity regions, and many more
- ProtParam
Calculate MW, pI, aa composition, extinction coefficient and more
- SignalP Prediction of signal peptides
- PSORT Prediction of protein localization signals
- ProtScale
Plot protein 56 different amino acid properties (e. g. hydrophobicity) on a sequence.
- Sequence Statistics Tools@ EMBL-EBI
- Sequence Conversion Tools @ EMBL-EBI
- Sequence Manipulation Suite
A collection of web-based programmes for sequence display and manipulation (reverse-complement, translation, restriction analysis, re-formatting, primer alignment, ...)
- JaMBW - Java based Molecular Biologist's Workbench
- Molecular Toolkit
a collection of tools for nucleic acid and protein sequence analysis