- Biocompare the buyer's guide for life scientists
- Agilent Technologies instruments, lab supplies, services
- Allergon allergen source material
- Amersham = GE Life Sciences
- Applied Biosystems = ThermoFisher
- ARP Computer, Software, Bürobedarf
- BD Biosciences including Falcon, Pharmingen
- Biomedica
- Biomol
- Bio-Rad
- Biosource = Invitrogen
- Biozym
- Calbiochem = Merck Biosciences
- Caltag = Invitrogen
- Carl Roth Laborbedarf, Chemikalien, Life Science
- Clontech
- Dako immunodetection systems
- Dianova antibodies and immunodetection reagents
- Dynal = Invitrogen
- Epicentre Biotechnologies Enzyme systems for RNA and DNA research
- Eppendorf
- Eubio Vertrieb von Life Science-Reagenzien vieler Hersteller
- Falcon = BD Biosciences
- Fermentas = ThermoFisher
- Fisher Scientific = ThermoFisher Scientific
- Fluka = Sigma-Aldrich
- GE Life Sciences formerly Amersham, formery Pharmacia Biotechnology
- GenXpress
- Gibco = ThermoFisher
- Greiner Bio One
- HettichLab Laborgeräte
- IBL - Labordienstleistungen
- IBL International immunoassays for clinical diagnostics and research
- Invitrogen = ThermoFisher
- Labor-Partner Vertrieb von Laborgeräten und Reagenzien
- Lactan Vertrieb von Laborbedarf und Chemikalien
- LI-COR Biosciences
- Macherey-Nagel Filtration, rapid tests, chromatography, bioanalytics
- MedPro
- Merck Millipore including Calbiochem, Novabiochem, Novagen
- Molecular Probes = ThermoFisher
- MWG online shop
- neoLab Laborbedarf und Chemikalien
- New England BioLabs
- Novabiochem = Merck Biosciences
- Novagen = Merck Biosciences
- NovoDirect = ThermoFisher Scientific
- Nunc = ThermoFisher
- Office Discount Bürobedarf
- Pall filtration, separation, detection, and analysis
- PeqLab = VWR
- Pharmingen = BD Biosciences
- Pierce = ThermoFisher
- Promega
- Qiagen
- R & D Systems
- Riedel-de-Haen = Sigma-Aldrich
- Roche Life Science
- Roth = Carl Roth
- Santa Cruz Biotechnology antibody and siRNA products
- Schleicher & Schuell = Whatman
- Sigma-Aldrich including Fluka, Riedel-de-Haen, Supelco
- Stratagene = Agilent
- Supelco = Sigma-Aldrich
- Szabo-Scandic
- ThermoFisher Scientific including Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Gibco
- Viking Direkt Bürobedarf
- VWR International
- Waters Analysegeräte
- Whatman = GE Life Sciences
- Zymed = Invitrogen