Valuation Methods and Natural Resources: experiment.

This is the Webpage of the summer term 2008. There is also a webpage with information about the "Valuation Methods of Natural Resources" in summer term 2009.

Results Exam 25/06/2008

Results Exam 12/06/2008

The slides of Erwin Schmid's part are available on a seperate page.
Here I inform about organizational issues for the applied part of the lecture and provide material. I will regularly update the webpage. For several parts you will need a login and a password which I will tell you in the lecture.
If you need to get in contact with me, try uliÄTboku^ac^at or 01/47654-3672.

Date Where What Comment Material
24.4. SE 02 How to do CVM and experimental auctions. Plan experiment with your group.
Email before 7. May 12.a.m.
Questionnairs from last year:
CVM english
CVM german
EA english
EA german

Random Numbers
8.5. SE 02 Agree on procedure and practice.
Some participants have already organized in groups of people they want to collect data with.

In the discussion in class we agreed on the following: As chocolate typs we use "Milka" "Fairtrade". For the EA we will wrap them such that there is no influence through packaging. But we will tell people that they are bidding for Milka and Fair Traid chocolate.

Fair Trade costs 1,99 Euro and Milk 0.85 Euro at Merkur. We decided to draw the numberse from a range of 0,20 to 3.00 Euros. I will generate them as uniformly distributed.
Unfortunately we forgot to agree on the bids for CVM. I therefore suggest to use the following figures
For Milka
First question:0.85
If yes:1.05,1.25,1.45 (change to allow for some variation)
If no: 0.65,0.45,0.25 (chanage to allow for some variation)
For FairTrade:
First Question: 2.00
If yes:2.30,2.60,2.90 (change to allow for some variation)
If no:1.70,1.40,1.10 (change to allow for some variation)

The socio-ecomic variables we agreed to use are:
gender, eat >1 bar chcolate/week, know label "FairTrade", Net-income<1000,personal spending on food/month.

We also agreed on some minor changes in the text.
Please check the 2nd versions I have uploaded and let me know not after 14. May in case you find any thing you think should be changed.

I will bring the material we need for the experiment.
Adopted Questionnairs: CVM english 2nd version
CVM german 2nd version
EA english 2nd version
EA german 2nd version

Random Numbers
15.5. SE 02 and outdoor Data collection. I will enter the data we collected in excel sheets as shown in the next column. data entry form for Experimental Aution

data entry form for CVM
05.6. Computer Lab Data analysis and interpretation. Data from Experiment in R format. Download the file and save on your computer. Then open throug double click, and R will open (in case it is installed).
To analyse the data I have prepared a code. Download it and open it in a text editor convenient to you.

If you are more used to excel you can also take a look at the data in excel format


The software we will use:
R-Project Webpage. From "CRAN" you can download "R". You also find links to documentations etc there.

Ulrich Morawetz
1180 Wien