"Valuation Methods and Natural Resources" Summer Term 2009: experiment.

Results Exam 18/06/2009

Results Exam 25/06/2009

The slides of Erwin Schmid's part are available on a seperate page.
Here I inform about organizational issues for the applied part of the lecture and provide material. I will regularly update the webpage. For several parts you will need a login and a password which I will tell you in the lecture.
If you need to get in contact with me, try ulrich.morawetzÄTboku.ac.at or 01/47654-3672.

Participation in the planning of the experiment, including some preparation at home, and helping to collect the data will be a total of 30 % of the final grade.

Date Where What/Slides Comment Material
07.5. Computer Lab @ top level of Guttenberghaus Hedonic Price Method. -- Download the two files "R-code" and "Data" (right mouse button "save link as..." ) on a place on your harddrive where you will find them again. Then open the R-code "hedonic_price_in_class_v2.R" with the "Textpad" software which you find on your computer.
Data (in R-Format)
Ortsverzeichnis Wien (from census 2001)
Harrision and Rubinfeld, 1978, "The Distribution of Benefits from Improvments in Urban Air Quality"
14.5. SE 02 Intro to and planning of Experimental Auction. Organize in groups from 2 to 4 people with at least one german speaker and send email with names of group members to ulirch.morawetzÄTboku.ac.at by 24 May. Some people already organized in groups.

English standard BDM
English modified BDM
German standard BDM
German modified BDM
28.5. SE 02/
Data collection. Be there! I will upload the collected data on this webpage. Have a first look at the data in order to familiarize with them (use what ever software is convenient to you). Send a short report (as text document) with the results of what you found (be creative about what kind of hypothesis you test!) from the data to document what you did by 3 June to ulrich.morawetzÄboku.ac.at. Don't foget to add the names of group members. Data collected by you!
04.6. Computer Lab Experimental Auction Data analysis. -- EA data in csv format
R-Code for class

Your analysis:
Feigelbinder, Gorshkova, Mikheev, Mustafina
Hagn,Maruszczak, Meidinger, Moore
Hagn,Maruszczak, Meidinger, Moore Excel-file
Hagn,Maruszczak, Meidinger, Moore Excel-file
Imykshenova, Kirchner, Libicky, Volleritsch
18.6. SE 02 Exam first date. Register via BLIS -- --
25.6. SE 02 Exam second date. Register via BLIS -- --


The software we will use:
R-Project Webpage. From "CRAN" you can download "R". You also find links to documentations etc there.

Ulrich Morawetz
1180 Wien