Norbert Kaiblinger
Institute of Mathematics,
BOKU University,
Vienna, Austria
- N. Kaiblinger, R. Hahn, G. Carta,
Efficient calculation of the equilibrium composition in
multicomponent batch adsorption with the steric mass action model,
Adsorption, to appear.
- T. Gold, K. Reiterer, D. Worf, N. Kaiblinger, A. Khosronejad, H. Habersack, C. Sindelar,
Dynamics of heavy subaqueous spherical pendulums,
J. Fluid Mech. 978 (2024) , A19
- N. Kaiblinger, R. Hahn, J. Beck, Y. Wang, G. Carta,
Direct calculation of the equilibrium composition for
multi-component Langmuir isotherms in batch adsorption,
Adsorption 30 (2024), no. 1, 51–56
- B. Spangl, N. Kaiblinger, P. Ruckdeschel, D. Rasch,
Minimal sample size in balanced ANOVA models of crossed, nested, and mixed classifications,
Commun. Stat. Theory Methods 52 (2023), no. 6, 1728-1743
- N. Kaiblinger, B. Spangl,
An inequality for the analysis of variance,
Math. Inequal. Appl. 23 (2020), no. 3, 961-969
- N. Kaiblinger,
Product of two hypergeometric functions with power arguments,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 479 (2019), no. 2, 2236-2255
- G. Ascensi, H. G. Feichtinger, N. Kaiblinger,
Dilation of the Weyl symbol and Balian-Low theorem,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), no. 7, 3865-3880
- G. Fendler, N. Kaiblinger,
Discrete Fourier transform of prime order: Eigenvectors with small support,
Linear Algebra Appl. 438 (2013), no. 1, 288-302
- N. Kaiblinger,
Progress on Olga Taussky-Todd's circulant problem,
Ramanujan J. 28 (2012), no. 1, 45-60
- N. Kaiblinger,
Cyclotomic rings with simple Euclidean algorithm,
JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl. 23 (2011), no. 1, 61-76
- N. Kaiblinger,
On the Lehmer constant of finite cyclic groups,
Acta Arith. 142 (2010), no. 1, 79-84
- N. Kaiblinger, M. Neuhauser,
Metaplectic operators for finite abelian groups and $R^d$,
Indag. Math. 20 (2009), no. 2, 233-246
- H.-Q. Bui, N. Kaiblinger, R. S. Laugesen,
A note on constructing affine systems for $L^2$,
Appl. Comp. Harmon. Anal., 25 (2008), no. 3, 400-406
- H. G. Feichtinger, M. Hazewinkel, N. Kaiblinger,
E. Matusiak, M. Neuhauser,
Metaplectic operators on $C^n$,
Quart. J. Math. 59 (2008), no. 1, 15-28
- H. G. Feichtinger, N. Kaiblinger,
Quasi-interpolation in the Fourier algebra,
J. Approx. Theory 144 (2007), no. 1, 103-118
- N. Kaiblinger, W. Madych,
Orthonormal sampling functions,
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 21 (2006), no. 3, 404-412
- H. G. Feichtinger, H. Führ,
K. Gröchenig, N. Kaiblinger,
Operators commuting with a discrete subgroup of translations,
J. Geom. Anal. 16 (2006), no. 1, 53-67
- M. Bownik, N. Kaiblinger,
Minimal generator sets for finitely generated shift-invariant
subspaces of $L^2(R^n)$,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 313 (2006), no. 1, 342-352
- N. Kaiblinger,
Approximation of the Fourier transform and the dual Gabor window,
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 11 (2005), no. 1, 25-42
- H. G. Feichtinger, N. Kaiblinger,
Varying the time-frequency lattice of Gabor frames,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 356 (2004), no. 5, 2001-2023
- K. Gröchenig, A. J. E. M. Janssen, N. Kaiblinger, G. Pfander,
Note on B-splines, wavelet scaling functions, and Gabor frames,
IEEE Trans. Information Theory 49 (2003), no. 12, 3318-3320
- C. T. Klein, N. Kaiblinger, P. Wolschann,
Internally defined distances in 3D-quantitative structure-activity
relationships, J. Comp. Molec. Des. 16 (2002), no. 2, 79-93
- N. Kaiblinger, L. Maligranda, L.-E. Persson,
Norms in weighted $L^2$-spaces and Hardy operators,
Function Spaces (Poznan 1998),
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math., Dekker, New York, 2000, 205-216
- N. Kaiblinger, W. Madych,
Translation invariant systems of orthonormal sampling functions,
Sampling Theory and Applications (Loen, Norway), 1999, 66-71.
- P. O. Börjesson, H. G. Feichtinger, N. Grip, M. Isaksson,
N. Kaiblinger, P. Ödling and L.-E. Persson,
DMT PAR-reduction by weighted cancellation waveforms,
Proc. RVK 99, Karlskrona, Sweden, 1999, 303-307
- P. O. Börjesson, H. G. Feichtinger, N. Grip, M. Isaksson,
N. Kaiblinger, P. Ödling and L.-E. Persson,
A low-complexity PAR-reduction method for DMT-VDSL,
Proc. DSPCS'99, Perth, Australia, 1999, 164-169
- H. G. Feichtinger, N. Kaiblinger, P. Prinz,
A POCS approach to Gabor analysis,
Proc. DIP-97, Vienna, Austria, SPIE 3346, 1998, 18-29.
- H. G. Feichtinger, N. Kaiblinger,
2D-Gabor Analysis Based on 1D Algorithms,
Proc. 21st AAPR workshop, Hallstatt, Austria, 1997, 93-97.