Curriculum vitae Robert Jandl

Academic Degrees: Diplom-Ingenieur, Doctor rerum naturalium technicarum

born May 28, 1961 in Vienna; Family: married to Gertrude Jandl since 1985;
2 children: Nathalia(* 10/18/82), Johanna (* 11/15/86)


Professional Career:

Experience at foreign institutions:

Participation at International Congresses:

Current work topics:

  1. Changes of soil chemical properties due to atmospheric deposition; Methods of soil amelioration
  2. Changes in tree nutrition due to changes in forest management practices; within this topic I am involved in the EU project Recognition;
  3. Establishing nutrient budgets of forest ecosystems by means of simulation models, based on soil chemical and soil physical site properties; Calculation of a nitrogen budget for Achenkirch (Project G8 of FBVA)
  4. Interface of soil microbiology and chemistry of the rhizosphere
  5. Carbon dynamics of forest ecosystems
  6. Identification of site degradations by means of soil chemical properties; Project is jointly pursued with Dr. Riedler (sYs-an)
  7. Chemical rock weathering in forest soils (project with Dr Ottner; Institute of Geology, BOKU)
  8. Co-Editor of the journal 'European Journal of Humic Substances' since 1999
  9. Reviewer for various journals (Water, Air, and Soil Pollution; Journal of Environmental Quality)
  10. Work on my habilitation thesis 'Chemistry of soil water in forests' (pre- liminary title); to be finished in winter 2001
  11. Adviser to students: Edith Haslinger - graduated in fall 2000; Timotej Misic - to graduate in 2002; Hannes Spögler - to graduate in 2002
  12. Contributions to the IUFRO Task Force GFIS (Global Forest Information Service)

Didactic experience:

Languages skills: Fluent in English, both in writing and speaking; sobrevivo en español.

Organisation of Conferences:

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On 11 Nov 2001, 14:48.