I am currently Associate Professor, Deputy Institute Leader at the Institute for Sustainable Economic Development and Deputy Group Leader in the Land and Energy Economics Group at BOKU University, Vienna. My current main research interests are linked to improving the transition to a climate neutral energy- and land system, using energy system and land-use optimization models, with a particular focus on using climate data. Furthermore, we explore impacts and externalities of renewable energies using geo-spatial approaches and economic valuation methods. I am currently key researcher in the cluster of excellence Circular Bioengineering, member of the Austrian Young Academy of Sciences and working group leader in the commission on the Defossilization and carbon neutrality of the European Energy Systems at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Recently completed research projects include my ERC Starting Grant project reFUEL and the development of the first academic climate neutrality scenarios for Austria in the netzero2040 project. I am Co-Convener of the session on spatio-temporal modeling of renewable energies at EGU and operate, together with Peter Reschenhofer, the energy dashboard energie.wifo.ac.at.
Please find my contact details here