Dr Johann Vollmann
(Ao.Univ.Prof., Plant Breeding)
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
Keywords Sojabohne soybean Glycine max plant breeding genetics Pflanzenzüchtung Wien Österreich Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Publications Google Scholar ||| ORCID ||| BOKU FIS (BOKU database) ||| List of publications (full) ||| short CV (pdf)
Contact e-mail: johann.vollmann@boku.ac.at ||| phone: +43-1-47654-95717
Affiliation University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
Department of Crop Sciences, Institute of Plant Breeding
Address Konrad Lorenz Str 24, 3430 Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Other affiliations Gregor-Mendel-Gesellschaft-Wien / Geschäftsführer ( GMGW web site ||| GMGW entry in WIKIPEDIA )
Verein Soja aus Österreich / Vorstandsmitglied ( Soja aus Österreich )
Donau Soja / Wissenschaftlicher Beirat ( Donau Soja )
Recent activities Soybean Research for Sustainable Development Book of Abstracts
Book of abstracts (open access pdf e-book) of the World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC 11, 18-23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria) with over 500 contributions on soybean research and development including soybean breeding, genetics, genomics and biotechnology, soy-food, feed and nutrition, agronomy, physiology and agrotechnology, soybean weeds, diseases, pests and their management as well as legal aspects and corporate social responsibility.
Mendel in Vienna Open access pdf E-Book, 30 December 2022
This is a source book illustrating the multiple relationships between Gregor Mendel, the founder of the science of genetics, and the city of Vienna, where Mendel had enrolled as a student and found inspiration from the vibrant 19th century scientific community, which influenced his experimental research and interpretation of results.